Our German branch continues to extend the services it offers you at a local level…

Our German branch continues to extend the services it offers you at a local level…

In August we were able to secure the services of a new employee named Martin Hoffmann. In his role as Application Technician, Mr. Hoffmann will support you with technical issues and help your employees become qualified.

We are also up and running with our new “Test Laboratory” since the start of September and will now be able to perform all feasibility studies at our Wuppertal site too.

Our new services at the Wuppertal site:

  • Feasibility studies possible in Wuppertal or at your premises subject to prior discussion
  • Simulation of your image processing projects with our eyesberg3D software
  • Integration of our image processing system within your system
  • Training of your employees at our premises, your premises, or your end customers